Home South Transept – week 2

South Transept – week 2

South Transept – week 2

For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light. Luke 8:17 NRSV

A lot has happened in the last week and the scene behind the partition is almost unrecognisable!

1. Our church today is the result of many, major extensions and developments, so it’s of little surprise to find that workmen uncovered a few ‘secrets’ this week, beneath our old floor.

Once the floorboards were removed, there were a number of important discoveries. A single bone beside the pulpit and three large gravestones beneath the old serving areas, are likely to be the final resting places of some of those named on the south wall memorial, that could be seen in the old toilet. The picture (left), shows roughly where the finds were made.

2. To create a level floor throughout the church, the timbers that hold up the floor in the south transept are being lowered and already, the altered joists are being refitted.

3. On Saturday 31st January, work also began on restoration of our Saxon coffin lids. Both are being cleaned and the broken one will be pinned back together. Once repaired and cleaned, these will be securely mounted into the two display cases that have been created in the wooden panelling of the baptistry, beside their own interpretation panel.

Click here to download a PDF of the week 2 update.

Don’t forget to check back next week…