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Welcome to you all from St Mary Magdalene, and St John the Evangelist churches, Hucknall.
Our churches are open for on-site worship and will remain open as long as it is safe to do so.

We are open for worship Sunday:
8am St Mary Magdalene – 9.30am St John the Evangelist – 11am St Mary Magdalene.

We are open for worship Tuesday:
Holy Communion 10:15am St Mary Magdalene, followed by coffee/tea and biscuits.

First Sunday in the month:
6pm Hope and Remembrance Service at St Mary Magdalene for those who have been bereaved.

We are a community of ordinary people who want to live a life of faith, hope and love in response to God’s love for the whole of creation. We worship the God we meet in Jesus.

As a group of ordinary people – despite worshipping an extraordinary God – we make mistakes, don’t always agree, will never know all the answers to life’s questions but we try to be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in how we live each day.

We worship at St Mary Magdalene on the Market Place and St John the Evangelist on Nottingham Rd. We are part of the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham in the Church of England.

If you would like to join us for worship or any of our activities, would like info about baptism and weddings, or visit our historic buildings then contact us.

Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Nicola Turner

Tel: 07596 552342
email: nturner.stmarys@outlook.com)

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email safeguarding@southwell.anglican.org or by phone 01636 817200 or via the website Contact Safeguarding – Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

2025 COVID guidelines for STMM with STJE:
COVID is still with us. Please treat others with respect. Hand sanitiser is available.

Please consider whether you can give at this time. If so, here’s how you can help: make a secure, online donation to our churches via the Give A Little website.

Donate to St Mary Magdalene and St John the Evangelist

The Vicar or churchwardens of this church can be contacted in an emergency, by telephoning Revd Helen Chantry (07704 017738), or Jane Haywood (0115 9631503) and Keith Towers (0115 9565792), or by emailing helenchantry@btopenworld.com or jane_haywood@hotmail.com and keith.towers@ntlworld.com

The Parish Office is open at the John Godber Centre but booking sessions are by appointment only. Contact us to book a session, make enquiries about services, weddings, baptisms or funerals, by calling Church Secretary Chantelle on 07538 735103.


• 16th March pew leaflet for St Mary Magdalene and St John the Evangelist

• Click here to make a secure online donation to Christian Aid


To help you plan a visit to St Mary Magdalene, we’ve created a virtual tour, showcasing the church and its heritage. Explore our church in the 3D video below by simply clicking on the screen to move around within the space:

There are interpretive displays specifically created for children and activities designed to help them engage with and understand the rich heritage around them.

Whether your interests lie with the church itself, Lord Byron, our Kempe stained glass windows or the people and events that have helped shape the town of Hucknall, we have something new and exciting for you to experience.

Once you have explored our fantastic building and stories, why not relax in the newly developed south transept refreshment area.

Stewards are on hand to assist your visit if required and there are assisted and disabled toilet facilities within the church.

You can download one of our visitor guide leaflets by clicking the image links, below but you will need to visit church to make the most of them.

St Mary Magdalene Church leaflet
Lord Byron leaflet
C.E. Kempe Windows leaflet
Ada Lovelace leaflet
Ben Caunt leaflet