Home Radio, TV, internet resource links

Radio, TV, internet resource links

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Prayer on TV, Radio and the internet

Radio and TV:
BBC Radio:

Sunday 8.00am Radio Nottingham
Sunday 8.10am Radio 4: Sunday Worship
Sunday 3.00pm Radio 3: Evensong
Weekdays 9.45am Radio 4 (Long Wave and DAB): Daily Service
Wednesday Radio 3: 3.30pm Evensong

Sunday 11.30am Sunday Worship BBC1
Sunday 1.15pm Songs of Praise BBC1

Internet resources: a few ideas
Keep up to date with church news at this website via the home page, our Facebook page or on Twitter. You may access service liturgy on the website.
Daily Prayer: downloadable from app stores or the Church of England website Daily worship
Time to pray: now free to download from Church House Publishing
Flame Creative: All-age resources to download – great ideas for home worship with children
Pray as you go: Ignatian inspiration, Jesuit Prayer on the go.
Celtic Daily Prayer: from the Northumbria Community website.
Southwell Diocese YouTube channel: Video resources from the Diocese and Bishop Paul and Sarah’s daily reflection.
Church of England 40 Reflections based on the Lord’s Prayer that started on Easter Day.
WhatsApp Group: We have a Church WhatsApp Group, if you’d like to join, send your mobile number to Jane or Phil Aldred.

If you are lonely / worried whilst self-isolating, please do keep in touch with others. You can, of course, call Jane on 0115 9631503 or Martin and Ann on 0115 9636643. Do leave an answerphone message if they are unavailable to take your call and they will get back to you ASAP.

With thanks to various Church of England clergy who helped compile much of the information contained in this booklet that we might continue to praise and worship God.

Material from Common Worship is included in this service and is copyright © The Archbishops’ Council.