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Contact us

The St Mary Magdalene with St John the Evangelist Church main staff team:

Revd Helen Chantry

Vicar, St Mary Magdalene and St John the Evangelist, Hucknall

Revd Helen using the contact form, below...

07704 017738


Jane Haywood


Email Jane using the contact form, below...

0115 963 1503


Nicola Turner

Children & Families team leader, Safeguarding Co-ordinator


07971 298432


Adrian Sissons

Website Administrator

Email Adrian using the contact form, below...

07709 935594


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    To contact me for pastoral reasonsTo keep me informed about news, events, activities and services in Hucknall ParishTo include my details in the ‘Church Directory’ or ‘Address Book’ which is circulated to Church Members onlyTo contact me with regard to necessary fund raising activities for the ministry and mission of the parish and churchesTo share my contact details with the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham so they can keep me informed about news, events, activities and services that will be occurring in the diocese and which are relevant to role or status as a parishioner of Hucknall Parish

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    Revd Rachael Burn

    Curate, St Mary Magdalene and St John the Evangelist, Hucknall

    Email Rachael using the contact form, below...

    07961 836281


    Keith Towers


    Email Keith using the contact form, below...

    0115 956 5792


    Chantelle Barnett

    Church Administrator

    Email Chantelle using the contact form, below...

    07538 735103



    Our address:
    St Mary Magdalene Church, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire NG15 7AS – In the centre of the town by the Marketplace and Ogle Street.